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Stephanie Tishler is a Certified Career Transition and Business Development Coach in Glastonbury. She has more than 20 years of experience working with some of the biggest brands, including Discovery Channel and She inspires us everyday on social media. We think her advice here pertains, not just to business owners, but to individuals as well. We hope it brings you value in the face of this unprecedented challenge.
During this chaotic, uncertain time it is important to remember the core values, wants and needs of your business and customers. While there is value in the slowdown, there is a story being written right now. And when so much feels out of our control, it is critical to keep moving forward. Here are some things to help:
GET CREATIVE: Now is the time to think outside the box, be brave, and be flexible to try new things. People inspire people. Host a virtual event and show up in a big way! Facebook or Instagram live, FaceTime or ZOOM are all great ways to bring people together. Support other businesses by collaborating, sharing, tagging, or simply writing a positive review as we are all in this together!
STAY CONNECTED: Communication is critical to remind people that you are still there! Stay in touch through emails and consistent posts with the date on social media. Be sure to update your hours on google/website/social media. To highlight the most important updates, pin posts to the top of your Facebook page. Create a FAQ page and share it. If you have a team or staff, schedule ZOOM calls so people “see” each other and feel included. Ask your team or customers what they need or want from you at this time. Be respectful of their need (and yours) for quiet time as well. And lastly, think about and prepare for what happens when this ends and things change again. PRIORITIZE: Think about what is important to you. Take one post-it note per day and write down three important tasks that you need to get done. Then think about what have you always wanted to develop your business that you “just didn’t have the time for?” Learn a new technology or skill. Does your website need updating? Email lists need to be cleaned up? Make a “project” list and display it somewhere you can see it. Despite this being a rough time, it is time we are never going to get back. Use it mindfully. STAY ORGANIZED: Create a routine and if you are home, make sure it is one that consists of getting dressed every day. Schedule your “workday” to have set hours if you can so that you are not working around the clock. Time-block meals and exercise, and get outside for fresh air. STAY POSITIVE: Learn from these challenges. Think about what you miss and honor that. You will be that much more grateful for these things when life resumes. Take a lot of good, deep breaths. Try and find good in every day. It is important to honor the need for downtime to recharge and not get lost in the busy-ness of business. It’s also OK to have a day or days where you do none of this. Control what you can. Think about what story you will tell when this is over. That part is up to you.
-Stephanie Tishler

We continue to follow some of the unique ways businesses are offering services or products to their customers.
*Sound Runner is doing virtual fittings. You can set up an appointment and send a video of your feet walking to show them what you need and they will send you a pair of sneakers. This sounds right up our alley!
*Carrie Draghi Photography (along with several other photographers - Lynn Damon, Brian Ambrose, and E.B. Taylor) are doing FREE 5-minute 'drive-by' photo sessions. It's called The Front Step Project and the goal is to raise money for local charities. They're asking participants to donate to a charity of their choice. Check out their individual social media for more info.
*River Bend Book Shop is providing curbside pickup, local delivery and pickup of books, puzzles, and games. They are also doing virtual story time. Call 860.430.6608 or click HERE to order or participate.
*C'est La Vie Day Spa is delivering facials-to-go to customers. It includes all of the masks, brushes, and creams with step by step instructions (how fun!).
*Against the Grain Fitness is posting FREE online workouts for membership is required. We are loving the creative ways businesses are moving forward during this time!
We started a new segment to help showcase local businesses and it's giving businesses some great exposure! GET TO KNOW LOCAL is running on our social media (Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn) throughout the week. We are telling the stories of businesses here in Glastonbury and letting readers know what's happening with them right now. This is a great way to keep your offerings front and center so people will remember who you are and what you offer when things return to normal.
*Email: if you're a business owner interested in being highlighted.
*Glastonbury-based, Connecticut Trial Firm is one of many local businesses working to collect home-made face masks. They are working with Hartford Healthcare and have started a Facebook group (HERE) for people interested in joining the effort.
Click HERE to learn more. Andrew Garza (co-owner of Connecticut Trial Firm) said he is happy to coordinate a pickup/drop for those who would like to participate. Contact him through the Facebook group page linked above.
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