Amston Home Transition Solutions literally does it all when it comes to big transitions for family members or businesses. Owners, Andrew Jambor, Tom Wheeler, and Jeff Lamoriello started the company after seeing a need through their work in real estate. They all brought something to the table. Andrew is passionate about real estate, Jeff is handy by trade, and Tom took care of his grandparents as they aged. Now...all of them are motivated by a love for helping relieve stress for people when it comes to BIG LIFE TRANSITIONS. They offer services start to finish...from selling a home, to home repairs and modifications, to cleaning out, donating, getting rid of, and packing up, to moving and staging new homes. Their huge network also allows them to assist families with any "extras" they might need...such as assisted living placement or hiring a home health aide. We found their 'Relocation Checklist' to be a helpful resource and highly recommend if you are in this phase of life personally or with family. They offer FREE assessments and estimates and have an office right here in Glastonbury. And, oh, they make themselves available 24/7. We just heard your sigh of relief!
Call them: 860.385.8728
Recently, The Scoop partnered with local gift card company, Giverrang to bring Scoop readers The Glastonbury Card. This is a LOCAL gift card that can be purchased online and used at any retailer or restaurant within Glastonbury town limits that is not a chain. Here is how it works: 1. You click HERE. 2. Enter your info and how much you want on the card 3. Send it to yourself or the person you want to gift it to. What makes this different than just buying gift cards at local shops? Well, if you want, you can spend half at 2400 Main and the other half at Bricco or half at Center Wines and the other half at Sayulita. It operates just like a credit card, so it's a great way to give someone in town a gift when you are not sure exactly what they might want! Cool, right?! So, what are you waiting for? Get cracking on that Holiday Shopping List now with The Glastonbury Card powered by Giverrang. To get started, click HERE my friends!

The Yoga Shop on Naubuc Avenue is now owned by Founders, Kim and Annie. The Glastonbury location was initially opened by Nadia Goracy, but she recently sold it back to the ladies who started it all. They are expanding their offerings. The space in the old factory on Naubuc Avenue is really cool. If you haven't yet, pop in for a class to see what all the buzz is about!


*Four Dads Pub recently opened on Asylum Street close to the XL Center. This is the second location for these four dads! Their original spot is in Granby and a huge hit known for their "old school home cooking with a modern edge" and neighborhood feel. Heard the food and vibe is pretty awesome! Check it out.

*A new high-end sneaker shop is open on the iconic Pratt Street in Hartford and it's bringing in some serious biz. Rundown Sneaker Shop has a location in Bridgeport which was opened during the pandemic and it's been hugely popular. The owner said people were traveling to get there, so he decided to open a second location. They sell high-end new and used sneakers. Follow them on Insta HERE.

*Two sisters are set to open Bloom Bake Shop (also on Pratt) in the heart of the city. They are part of a growing number of entrepreneurs taking advantage of the Hart Lift Program which will contribute money for space buildouts.
LOVE all of this...Cheering for you Hartford!
*Sponsored by Balance Fitness & Health
*El Santo Tequila & Mezcal is opening in the former COSI space on Farmington Avenue in West Hartford. We love a good new Mexican restaurant and can't wait to try.
*Matt Somberg of Gottfried & Somberg Wealth Management recently made the Barron’s List of America’s Top 1200 Financial Advisors. He is listed as #11 in CT and is the only advisor in the Top 20 from this part of the state. Matt and his partner, Josh have helped countless folks build their wealth and retire with peace of mind! Find them HERE for more info on some of the services they offer.
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