We have had a lot of questions about the development of The Edge Fitness behind Chili’s on Main Street. The project was approved by the town, but has been delayed by court appeals. According to the attorney for the development, Peter Altar, the owner of Healthtrax claimed an environmental concern and appealed the wetlands permit to the Superior Court. A decision on that appeal is pending. Also, the owner of 80 Glastonbury Boulevard (the building next to Maggie McFly’s) appealed the town’s approval of the project. Fifth Somerset Association Limited Partnership believes there are drainage issues on the property. That appeal is expected to go to trial this Fall. If both appeals are resolved, the project will proceed. The picture below is the property of the proposed development.

The owners of Rooftop 120 are reopening the historic Marlborough Tavern in Marlborough. They are currently gutting and renovating the space and hope to reopen in the next several months. The tavern closed down in 2011 after 26 years in business. Built in the 1700’s, the building has deep historical roots. It was formerly an inn where past Presidents stayed overnight. We plan to follow this story closely and will bring you new details as we learn them.

Jan’s on Main recently announced they will close permanently in just a few weeks. The consignment clothing boutique on Main Street has been in business for 7 years. Owner, Jan Horahan, told customers it’s time for her to do something new. She is currently offering 50% off everything in the store. They are now open Wednesday through Friday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. They offered a variety of clothing and accessories, including many luxury brand items. Stop in and see what you can find before their final day September 1st.

We want to give a shoutout to Glastonbury Dance Center. They were the very first SCOOP we covered when we started six months ago. This Summer, they moved to a plaza on the East Hartford/Glastonbury line. They are offering new student in-person registration tonight and August 28th and September 4th from 6-8 PM. Thanks for being our FIRST! Check out their fun, new studio below.

We are ridiculously excited about the new Trader Joe’s in Manchester! According to the Hartford Business Journal, they will open September 6th in the former EMS space in The Plaza at Buckland Hills. If you have never been, you need to see for yourself all of the fun foods they offer. And, sign up for their Fearless Flyer so you won’t ever miss out!

*Giovanni’s at Minnechaug is now serving breakfast. Their menu has everything from bagels to egg sandwiches, breakfast burritos and pizzas. Breakfast hours are Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 to 11:00 AM.
*CT Women of HOPE is hosting a 5K run to support the fight against Ovarian Cancer. Registration for the run will start at Smith Middle School September 15th at 8:30 AM. Race time is 10:00 AM. Visit their website for more information.
*Dunkin’ Donuts Park is hosting Links at the Yard this September. Participants can play par-3 style golf at the park and enjoy some food and beer. The event is September 27th-30th. Book tee times on their website.
*Here’s some Fall fun….there is a Scarecrow Decorating Contest at Pinwheels. Stop by the store for an application and a list of rules. There are some great prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entries!
*Volunteers are needed for the Glastonbury Apple Harvest Festival. Volunteers get FREE admission the day of their shift, a keepsake of the festival, and, if you are over 21, a glass of Angry Orchard Cider. There are several different shifts available. Check out the Festival’s Facebook page to sign-up.