The Coder School Glastonbury will open this weekend in Glen Lochen and if you haven't checked it out, get on it! Owners, Vaishali and Chirayu (a GHS grad!) Shah started their Farmington location less than one year ago and, because of their success, decided to open a 2nd franchise in Glastonbury. Don't miss the Grand Opening this Saturday, September 14th from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Kids will get a chance to do 15 minutes of coding with a coach. If you sign up Saturday, you will get 25% off the first month! Kids will learn coding language like Scrath, Python, or Javascript that will eventually teach them how to make apps, video games, or even robots. They even check in for class with their own unique QR cool is that? This dynamic and ever-changing industry is literally the future and it's right here in Glastonbury! For more information, click HERE. They have truly transformed this space! For a sneak peak, scroll down.
We have been told that a potential deal for Max Restaurant Group to open a pizza restaurant in the empty lot next to Bruegger's Bagels is now dead. After Max Amore closed, the group had interest in that location, but things did not work out. There is now a sign out front showcasing a potential to-be-built restaurant (or something else) in that spot. What would you like to see there? Comment on our Facebook or Insta post or shoot us an email:
We recently went by the new condo complex on Naubuc Avenue and it's pretty awesome! Two buildings are near complete at the complex a few doors behind Katz Hardware. What a great spot to live in town...walking distance to nearly everything! We hear there are still five units available. If you know anyone looking, it's definitely worth a call to check them out! Contact is New England Prestige Reality.

It's been several months since we announced that Club Pilates would be coming to space in the Whole Foods plaza, but we recently heard from them and they say they are aiming to open this November. Club Pilates is a chain pilates studio that started in San Diego 12 years ago. They offer reformer-based pilates classes, along with TRX, Barre, Exo-Chair, and Bosu Ball. See location below to the right of Foxy Pizza.

*Glastonbury TALK Environment Committee is hosting a Sustainable Living Fest this Saturday, September 14th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at First Church on Main Street. The event will include presentations on Shared Solar, Electric Vehicles, and Sustainable Building. There will also be fun activities for families and kids.
*Local artist, Kim Marie Selig is holding a pop-up art sale to benefit the Glastonbury Food Bank Saturday, October 26th from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Glen Lochen. Mark your calendar for this unique event to help those in need.
*Breast Friends Fund will host Four Fathers 4 The Cure October 4th from 7:00 to 11:00 PM at The Gallery. The event is just $40 per person (BUY TICKETS HERE) and 100% of the money raised goes DIRECTLY to Metastatic Breast Cancer Research at Dana Farber. So much good work being done by Sandy Cassanelli and this amazing organization...don't miss the chance to help support her mission to find a cure!
*The Historical Society of Glastonbury is holding a Tag Sale in the Tobacco Shed September 27th, 28th, and 29th from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Welles-Shipman Ward House on Main Street in South Glastonbury. There will be tons of antiques and vintage items priced to sell. More info HERE.
*There is a pretty cool event happening at the Keeney Memorial Cultural Center in Wethersfield October 19th at 6:00 PM. Cherish the Children Foundation will hold Food & Drink from Around the World to benefit families in financial need because of a medical event. Buy tickets HERE.
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